Teaching Practices → Inclusive Practices

Book Study: How to Differentiate Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms

Course Description: Where most books about differentiation focus on strategies, this book helps teachers shift their mindset and practice around differentiated instruction. This book is full of practical strategies but also helps teachers understand how to align decisions about differentiation with curricular goals and assessments to support student needs. Participants in this course will briefly explore the foundations of differentiation, learn a decision-making model to ensure that grade-level curriculum is accessible to all students, look at actual lessons, units, and classrooms with differentiated instruction in action. Participants will explore content relevant for both elementary and secondary classrooms in nearly all subject areas, and problem-solve and share ideas to understand how to infuse differentiation into an everyday practice.

Required Materials: How to Differentiate Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms (3rd Edition) by Carol Ann Tomlinson. Participants must obtain their own copy of the book--used, borrowed, digital, hard copy-whatever is best for you and your budget.

Structure of the Book Study:
This book study will require you to:
1)read a section of the book using 3-4 guiding questions;
2) watch a short video from the book study where the facilitator highlights some ideas or strategies from that section;
3) respond to a final prompt.
Each section will follow a similar process.

The book is divided into 5 modules for the purpose of this book study.
Module 1: Chapters 1-3
Module 2: Chapters 4-8
Module 3: Chapters 9-11
Module 4: Chapters 12-14
Module 5: Chapter 15 and Appendix

You will need to read the book in the order of the chapters and complete one module before you can move on to the next module.

The CTLE credits will be awarded once you have completed the entire book. Partial credit will not be provided if you do not finish the book study course.

Course Objectives:
Participants in this course will explore:
* briefly explore the foundations of differentiation;
* learn a decision making model to ensure that grade level curriculum is accessible to all students;
* look at actual lessons, units, and classrooms with differentiated instruction in action, with content relevant for elementary and secondary classrooms in nearly all subject areas;
* and problem-solve and share ideas to understand how to infuse differentiation into everyday classroom practice.

The book is full of practical strategies but also helps teachers understand how to use differentiation intentionally and purposefully, aligning decisions about differentiation with curricular goals, assessment, and student needs.
Audience: K-12 Classroom Educators (general and special education), Paraeducators, Support Providers, Complementary/Special area teachers

Presenters: Diana Scarselletta Straut, Ph.D

CTLEs Needed?: Yes CTLE Hours: 7.5

  • Module 1: A Framework for Differentiation: Foundations & Philosophy (90mins)
  • DO: Read Intro & Chapters 1-3 (Pages xi-33) Guiding Questions to view here:
  • WATCH: Module 1: Intro & Chapters 1-3 (9mins)
  • RESPOND: Questions for Chaps 1-3 Writing Prompts
  • module 2: The Teacher's Role in Leading a Differentiated Classroom (90Mins)
  • DO: Read Chapter 4-8 (pgs 34-82) Guiding Questions to view here:
  • WATCH: Module 2: Chaps. 4-8 (8mins)
  • RESPOND: Questions for Chaps 4-8 Writing Prompts
  • Module 3: How Readiness, Interest & Learning Profile Guide (90mins)
  • DO: Read Chapter 9-11(pgs 83-109) Guiding Questions to view here:
  • Watch: Module 3: Chaps 9-11 (9mins)
  • Pop-up Video: The Power of Unpacking Learning Targets (4mins)
  • RESPOND: Questions for Chaps 9-11 Writing Prompts
  • module 4: strategies for differentiation (90 mins)
  • DO: Read chapters 12-14 (pgs 110-156) Guiding Questions to view here:
  • WATCH: Module 4 (PT1): Chaps 12-14 (3mins)
  • Pop-up Video #1: Differentiating Instruction to Reach All Students (5mins)
  • Pop-up Video #2: How & Why to Integrate Station Rotation (6mins)
  • WATCH: Module 4 (PT2): Chaps 12-14 (6mins)
  • RESPOND: Questions for Chaps 12-14 Writing Prompts
  • module 5: Grading in a Differentiated Classroom (90mins)
  • DO: Read Chapter 15 & Appendix (pgs157-165) Guiding Questions to view here:
  • WATCH: Module 5 (PT1): Chap 15 & Appendix (2mins)
  • Pop-up Video: Rick Wormeli on Grading (7mins)
  • WATCH: Module 5 (PT2): Chap 15 & Appen. (7mins)
  • RESPOND: Questions for Chap 15 Writing Prompts
  • Course completion
  • Thank You!
  • Course Evaluation and Feedback
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever